hd c
Jan 30, 2023
Expedite request 601A
Are there only two ways to submit an urgent request: phone and Emma? Or is there a way to send the documents to the immigration office? Please help me.
William uFeb 1, 2023
from what I have heard only through Emma and phone. They will ask for any documents or proofs they need. just do it through Emma, I did one today and probably did it under 15 minutes. it's fast and easy. our chat got disconnected but I was able to get all my personal information to them and the reason why I asked to expedite. hopefully I hear back with 2-4 weeks if not I will try again.
hd cFeb 2, 2023
William u @ After chatting with Emma, the officer refused without asking for documents. Thank you for information.
J JFeb 28, 2023
how to get connected with Emma🥺 so stressed to not to find out to ge to touch with uscis!
Alita SinghMar 15, 2023
Did anyone got their 601A expedited, if so how long did it take for you to get a approved notice?
kase boJul 3, 2023
@William u did they approved your expedite request?
William uJul 5, 2023
@kase bo Unfortunately I have not heard back from them but very likely it was denied since online it shows that expedite of case was completed.
kase boAug 11, 2023
@William u hey when you request to have your case expedited. how long did it take for the agent to send you an email or mail? they assigned my expedite request to an officer on the 8th but didnt recieve anything else like where to summit the paper work
William uAug 11, 2023
@kase bo To me it took about 5 months to assigne an officer to my expedite request. Then in less then a week I got an email requesting evidence which has to be sent via fax. I used a cheap service faxzero.com I believe to send all my documents. Same day I received an email stating they had received correspondence and request expedite completed was updated on USCIS account but never received an approval or denial.
kase boAug 11, 2023
for me it took only 2 days to assign to an officer thank god but havent recieve anything else. hopefully i do. i cant wait another 3 years on this crap

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